Designer Arm Candy sells authentic designer handbags at a reasonable price. She has a background is in fashion retail management and has over 14 years of counterfeit training. Designer Arm Candy’s mission is to be able to give every person the chance to own pre-loved luxury handbags and accessories without breaking the bank. Each order comes with a certificate of authenticity from Entrupy as well. They are a 3rd party authentication company.
I created a custom brand kit for Designer Arm Candy. It includes 3 logos: the main logo, alternative logo and a badge logo. It also came with a brand guideline that includes: font pairings, mood board, and colour scheme.
Check out their website here.
“Samantha was AMAZING to work with! I had in my head that I wanted a specific look, but then after working with her I actually wanted something completely opposite! I am so glad she asked all the questions and had me really look at what I wanted my brand to be. She was always quick to respond and knew exactly what I was looking for. I am beyond excited and happy with the new branding for Designer Arm Candy and can’t wait to work with her again! ”
Create your very own custom brand kit!
Let’s work together and create the brand of your dreams! The thing about having a brand identity professionally designed is that it helps you bring out the best of what your business can offer.